Terms and conditions

General Terms and Conditions for the E-shop AxamitArt.com

These general terms and conditions ("Terms") govern the rights and obligations of you as the buyer and us as the seller in the contractual relationships established through the E-shop on the website www.axamitart.com.

All information regarding the processing of your personal data is contained in the Privacy Policy, which can be found in the Privacy Policy section.

As you are aware, our primary mode of communication is remote. Therefore, for our contract, remote communication methods are used, allowing us to reach an agreement without the simultaneous physical presence of both parties.

If any part of these Terms contradicts what we have agreed upon during the process of your purchase on our E-shop, the specific agreement shall prevail over these Terms.


Price is the financial amount that you will pay for the Goods;
Shipping Cost is the financial amount you will pay for the delivery of Goods, including the cost of packaging;
Total Price is the sum of the Price and Shipping Cost;
VAT is the value-added tax according to applicable legal regulations;

E-shop is the online store operated by us at the address axamitart.com, where the purchase of Goods will take place;
Invoice is a tax document issued in accordance with the value-added tax law on the Total Price;
We are the company JIM 78, s.r.o., with registered office at Košická 58, 821 08 Bratislava, IČO 35839074, registered in the Commercial Register kept by the District Court of Bratislava I, section: Sro, insert no. 26860/B, email info@axamitart.com, phone number +421 905 401 595, legally referred to as the seller;
Order is your irrevocable proposal to conclude a Sales Contract with us;
Goods refer to anything that you can purchase on the E-shop;
User Account is an account created based on the information provided by you, allowing for the storage of entered data and the history of ordered Goods and concluded contracts;
You are the person making a purchase on our E-shop, legally referred to as the buyer;
Contract is the purchase contract agreed upon based on a properly filled Order submitted through the E-shop and is concluded at the moment when you receive an Order Confirmation from us.


The purchase of Goods is only possible through the web interface of the E-shop.
When purchasing Goods, it is your obligation to provide us with all information correctly and truthfully. The information you provide when ordering Goods will be considered accurate and truthful.


The contract is concluded remotely through the E-shop, with the costs of using remote communication means being borne by you. However, these costs do not differ from the basic rate you would pay for using these means (especially for internet access). By submitting an Order, you agree to the use of remote communication means.

To conclude the contract, you need to create a draft Order on the E-shop. This draft must include the following information:
Information about the purchased Goods (you indicate the Goods you wish to purchase on the E-shop by clicking the "Add to Cart" button);

Information about the Price, Shipping Cost, VAT, payment method of the Total Price, and the desired method of Goods delivery. This information is entered in the process of creating the Order within the user interface of the E-shop, with information about the Price, Shipping Cost, VAT, and Total Price being automatically generated based on the selected Goods and the delivery method.

Your identification data, which are used to deliver the Goods, including name, surname, delivery address, phone number, and email address.

During the creation of the Order, you can modify and verify the data until its completion. After verifying by clicking the "Order with an obligation to pay" button, you create the Order. However, you must confirm your awareness and agreement with these Terms before pressing the button; otherwise, it will not be possible to create the Order. A checkbox is provided for confirmation and agreement. After pressing the "Order with an obligation to pay" button, all entered information will be sent directly to us.
We will confirm your Order by email to the email address provided in the Order as soon as it is delivered to us. The confirmation will include a summary of the Order and these Terms. Our confirmation of the Order results in the conclusion of a contract between us. The Terms in effect on the day of ordering are an integral part of the Contract.

There may be cases where we cannot confirm your Order, especially when the Goods are unavailable or when you order a greater number of Goods than we allow. Information on the maximum number of Goods you can order will always be provided in advance within the E-shop, and it should not be surprising to you. If there is any reason why we cannot confirm the Order, we will contact you and send you an offer to conclude a contract in a modified form compared to the Order. In such a case, the Contract is concluded when you confirm our offer.

If there is an obvious error in the Price within the E-shop or in the Order draft, especially due to a technical error, we are not obliged to deliver the Goods at this Price, even if you have received an Order confirmation, leading to the conclusion of the Contract. In this situation, we will contact you promptly and send you an offer to conclude a new Contract in a modified form compared to the Order. In this case, the new Contract is concluded when you confirm our offer. If you do not confirm our offer within 3 days from its dispatch, we have the right to withdraw from the concluded Contract. An obvious Price error includes situations where the Price does not correspond to the usual price from other sellers or is missing or has an extra digit.

When a Contract is concluded, you are obliged to pay the Total Price.
If you have a User Account, you can place an Order through it. In such cases, you are also obliged to verify the correctness, truthfulness, and completeness of the pre-filled data. However, the process of creating an Order is the same as for a buyer without a User Account, but the advantage is that you do not have to repeatedly fill in your identification data.

In some cases, we allow the use of a discount for the purchase of Goods. To apply the discount, you need to enter the discount information within the Order draft in the designated field. If you do so, the Goods will be provided to you at a discounted Price.


Based on your registration within the E-shop, you can access your User Account.
When registering a User Account, it is your obligation to provide all required information accurately and truthfully and update it in case of any changes.

Access to the User Account is secured with a username and password. Regarding these access details, it is your obligation to maintain confidentiality and not provide this information to anyone. If they are misused, we are not responsible for any consequences.

The User Account is personal, and you are not allowed to enable its use by third parties.
We reserve the right to cancel your User Account, especially when it has not been used for more than 2 years or in case of a breach of your obligations under the Contract.

The User Account may not be available continuously, especially due to the necessary maintenance of hardware and software equipment.


The Price is always stated within the E-shop, in the Order draft, and in the Contract. In case of a discrepancy between the Price listed in the Goods in the E-shop and the Price listed in the Order draft, the Price in the Order draft will be applied, which will always be the same as the Price in the Contract. The Order draft also includes the Shipping Cost, or terms when the shipping is free.
The Total Price is stated including VAT and all fees determined by specific legal regulations.
We will request payment of the Total Price from you after the Contract is concluded and before the delivery of the Goods. You can make the payment of the Total Price through the following methods:
Bank transfer. We will provide you with information for making the payment as part of the Order Confirmation. In case of a bank transfer payment, the Total Price is due within 3 working days.
Online card payment. In this case, payment is made through the shoptetpay payment gateway, and the payment is subject to the terms of this payment gateway, which are available at the address: shoptetpay.com/cs/. In case of online card payment, the Total Price is due within 12 hours.
In this case, the payment is made upon delivery of the Goods against the delivery of the Goods. In the case of payment upon delivery, the Total Price is due at the time of receiving the Goods.
The invoice will be issued in electronic form after the payment of the Total Price and will be sent to your email address as indicated in the Order. The invoice will also be physically attached to the Goods and available in the User Account if you have one.
Ownership of the Goods passes to you only after you have paid the Total Price and received the Goods. In the case of a bank transfer payment, the Total Price is paid by crediting it to our account, and in other cases, it is paid at the time of the payment.


Goods will be delivered to you in a manner of your choice, and you can choose from the following options:

Personal pickup at our store JIM 78, s.r.o., Košická 58, 821 08 Bratislava
- Personal pickup at the collection points of the company Packeta
- Delivery via transportation companies Slovenská pošta, Packeta
- Goods can only be delivered within the territory of the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic.

The delivery time of the Goods always depends on its availability and the chosen method of delivery and payment. The estimated delivery time of the Goods will be provided in the Order Confirmation. The time stated on the E-shop is only approximate and may differ from the actual delivery time. In the case of personal pickup at the store, we will always inform you via email about the possibility of picking up the Goods.

The delivery time of the Goods always depends on its availability and the chosen method of delivery and payment. The estimated delivery time of the Goods will be provided in the Order Confirmation. The time stated on the E-shop is only approximate and may differ from the actual delivery time. In the case of personal pickup at the store, we will always inform you via email about the possibility of picking up the Goods.

When receiving the Goods from the carrier, it is your responsibility to check the integrity of the Goods' packaging, and in case of any damage that indicates unauthorized handling and access to the shipment, it is not your obligation to accept the Goods from the carrier.

You are obliged to pick up the Goods at the agreed place and time. If you do not receive the delivered Goods according to the previous sentence, we will notify you by email where you can pick up the Goods, including the deadline for picking it up, or we will redeliver the Goods based on your written request sent no later than 14 days from when you should have received the Goods, and you commit to pay us all costs associated with the redelivery of the Goods. In case you breach your obligation to pick up the Goods, except in cases according to clause 6.4 of these Terms, it does not result in the breach of our obligation to deliver the Goods to you. Also, your failure to pick up the Goods is not a withdrawal from the Contract between us. If you do not pick up the Goods even within the additional deadline, we have the right to withdraw from the Contract due to your material breach of the Contract. If we decide to exercise this right, the withdrawal becomes effective on the day when we notify you of such withdrawal. Withdrawal from the Contract does not affect the right to compensation for the actual costs of attempting to deliver the Goods or any other claim for damages if they occur.

If, for reasons arising on your side, the Goods are repeatedly delivered or in a manner different from what was agreed in the Contract, it is your obligation to reimburse us for the costs associated with such repeated delivery. We will send you the payment details for these costs to the email address you provided in the Contract, and they are due within 14 days from the date of the email delivery.

The risk of damage to the Goods passes to you at the moment when you take possession of it. In case you do not accept the Goods, except for cases under Article 4 of these Terms, the risk of random destruction and random deterioration of the Goods passes to you at the moment when you had the opportunity to pick it up but did not do so due to reasons on your side. The transfer of the risk of random destruction and random deterioration of the Goods means that from this moment, you bear all the consequences associated with the loss, destruction, damage, or any other depreciation of the Goods.

If the Goods were not listed as in stock in the E-shop, and an estimated availability time was provided, we will always inform you in case of:
An extraordinary production outage of the Goods, and we will always notify you of the new expected availability time or provide information that it will not be possible to deliver the Goods

A delay in delivering the Goods from our supplier, and we will always notify you of the new expected delivery time.
If we are unable to deliver the Goods to you within 30 days from the Order Confirmation, for any reason, you have the right to withdraw from the Contract.

If the standard delivery time of the Goods is longer than 30 days from the Order Confirmation, we will inform you in advance, especially through information about the estimated availability time of the Goods published on the E-shop and by sending a separate email requesting confirmation that you acknowledge this delivery deadline. If you do not agree with this delivery time, you have the right to withdraw from the Contract.


Introduction to liability for defects

We undertake to deliver the Goods to you in the required quality, quantity, and without defects.

We are responsible for defects that the Goods have at the time of their acceptance. We are not responsible for defects that occur due to their use or wear and tear when it comes to used Goods. For Goods sold at a lower price, we are not responsible for defects for which a lower price has been agreed.

The general warranty period is 24 months. The warranty period starts running from the moment of your acceptance of the Goods.
In case of replacing the Goods, the warranty period starts anew from the moment of accepting the new Goods.

Your rights arising from liability for defects of the Goods, for which a warranty period applies, expire if you do not enforce them within the warranty period. However, rights arising from liability for defects for Goods that deteriorate quickly must be enforced no later than the day following the purchase, otherwise your rights will expire.
We guarantee that at the time of the transfer of the risk of random destruction and random deterioration of the Goods according to Article 7 of these Terms, the Goods are free from defects, especially that:

- It has the properties we have agreed upon with you, and if not explicitly agreed, then those we have described in the description of the Goods, or those that can be expected given the nature of the Goods
- It is suitable for the purposes we have indicated or for the purposes that are customary for Goods of this type
- It corresponds to the quality or design agreed upon based on a sample, if the quality or design was determined based on a sample
- It is in the appropriate quantity and weight
- It meets the specific legal requirements
- It is not encumbered with third-party rights. 

Conditions for asserting the right to defects (complaints)
When accepting the Goods, you are obliged to thoroughly inspect and check the Goods. In case of identifying obvious defects (e.g., mechanical damage), you must file a complaint without undue delay in accordance with Article 7.4.1. below. Later complaints about obvious defects in the Goods, including defects due to the incompleteness of the Goods, will not be considered.
You are obliged to assert the right to defects for other defects (hidden defects) in accordance with Article 7.4.1. below without undue delay after you have discovered the defect, but no later than within the warranty period.
The warranty applies only to manufacturing defects in the Goods and defects caused by mechanical damage. You cannot assert the right to defects, especially for defects caused by wear and tear, mechanical damage, the use of the Goods in inappropriate conditions, and others.

You are not entitled to assert the right to defects in case you were aware of the defect before accepting the Goods, or we informed you about it, or you were provided an appropriate discount from the Price of the Goods for this reason.
Enforcing the right to liability for damages (complaints)
If the Goods have a defect, especially if one of the conditions under Article 2 is not met, you can report such defect and assert the rights from liability for defects (i.e., lodge a complaint) by sending an email or letter to our addresses provided in our identification details, or in person at our store. For complaints, you can also use a sample form provided by us, which is attached as Appendix 1 to these Terms.

In your notification for a complaint, you should primarily include a description of the defect of the Goods and your identification details, including your email for receiving notifications about the handling of the complaint, and specify which of the rights from liability for defects specified in clauses 7.5.4. to 7.5.8. you are asserting.

When filing a complaint, present a proof of purchase of the Goods (invoice) for the purpose of proving its purchase from us; otherwise, we are not obliged to accept your complaint.

We consider the day of initiating the complaint procedure to be the day of delivering the defective Goods together with the relevant documents (according to Article 7.4.3). If your complaint submission is incomplete (especially unreadable, unclear, unintelligible, does not contain the required documents, and the like), we will request you to complete your complaint in writing, especially by email. In this case, the complaint procedure begins on the day of receiving your completed submission.

If you do not complete your complaint according to Article 7.4.4. of this article without undue delay, no later than 10 days from the date of our request according to Article 7.4.4. of this article, we will consider your submission as unfounded.
Handling the complaint

Based on your decision to assert any of the rights according to § 622 and § 623 of Act No. 40/1964 Coll., The Civil Code, as amended (hereinafter the "Civil Code") (specified in clauses 7.5.4. to 7.5.8.), we will immediately determine the method of handling the complaint, or in complex cases, at the latest within 3 business days from the day of your complaint. In justified cases, especially if a complex technical assessment of the condition of the Goods is required, the complaint handling period may be up to 30 days from the day of filing your complaint.

After determining the method of handling the complaint, we will handle the complaint immediately, and in justified cases, the complaint may be handled later; however, the complaint handling period must not exceed 30 days from the day of filing the complaint. After the expiry of the period for handling the complaint, you have the right to withdraw from the Contract or the right to exchange the Goods for new goods, if possible.
We are obligated to issue a written confirmation of the handling of the complaint to you, at the latest within 30 days from the date of filing the complaint, and we will inform you about the handling of the complaint via email. If the complaint is acknowledged, we will send you the repaired Goods or exchange the Goods for new goods or refund the Price of the Goods, if we do not agree otherwise.
If it is a defect that we can rectify, you have the right for the defect to be rectified free of charge, in a timely and proper manner. We will rectify the defect of the Goods without undue delay.

Instead of rectifying the defect, you can request the exchange of the Goods, or if the defect concerns only a part of the Goods, the exchange of that part, in cases where such exchange does not result in unreasonable costs for us considering the Price of the Goods or the seriousness of the defect.
Instead of rectifying the defect of the Goods, we can always replace the defective Goods with a non-defective one, provided that this does not cause you significant difficulties.
If it is another non-rectifiable defect, you have the right to a reasonable discount from the Price of the Goods.

We will handle the complaint by either providing you with a repaired product, exchanging the product, refunding the purchase price of the product, providing a reasonable discount on the purchase price of the product, sending a written request for performance (of the product), or by reasonably rejecting the complaint. The application of rights related to liability for defects and product complaints is governed by the provisions of § 619 and following of the Civil Code, Act No. 250/2007 Coll. on Consumer Protection and on the amendment of Act of the Slovak National Council No. 372/1990 Coll. on offenses, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Consumer Protection Act"), and Act No. 102/2014 Coll. on Consumer Protection in the Sale of Goods or Provision of Services Based on a Contract Concluded at a Distance or a Contract Concluded Outside the Seller's Business Premises and on the Amendment and Supplementation of Certain Acts, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Consumer Protection Act for Distance Selling"). If you are a business entity, it is your obligation to notify and object to the defect without undue delay after you could have detected it, but at the latest within 3 days from the receipt of the product. If you are a consumer, you have the right to assert rights related to liability for defects that occur in consumer goods within 24 months from the receipt of the product.


Withdrawal from the Contract, i.e., termination of the contractual relationship between Us and You from its beginning, may occur for the reasons and in the ways specified in this article or in other provisions of the Terms in which the possibility of withdrawal is expressly stated.

If you are a consumer, meaning a person purchasing Goods outside the scope of your business activities, you have the right to withdraw from the Contract without stating a reason within 14 days from the date of receipt of the Goods, in accordance with the provision of § 7 of the Act on Consumer Protection in Distance Selling. If we have concluded a Contract for the delivery of several types of Goods or the delivery of several parts of Goods, this period begins to run from the date of the delivery of the last part of the Goods. If we have concluded a Contract under which we will regularly and repeatedly supply Goods to You, the period starts from the date of the delivery of the first consignment. You may withdraw from the Contract in any verifiable manner (especially by sending an email or a letter to Our addresses provided in Our contact information). You can also use a sample form provided by Us, which is attached as Annex No. 2 to the Terms.
However, as a consumer, you cannot withdraw from the Contract in the following cases:

The sale of Goods whose price depends on financial market fluctuations that we cannot control and that may occur during the withdrawal period.
The sale of alcoholic beverages, the price of which was agreed upon at the time of concluding the Contract, and delivery is possible no earlier than 30 days, and the price depends on market fluctuations that we cannot control.
The sale of Goods that have been made according to your specific requirements, customized for you, or specifically intended for a single consumer.
The sale of Goods that are subject to rapid quality deterioration or spoilage and Goods that have become inseparably mixed with other items after delivery.
The sale of Goods sealed for health or hygiene reasons, and the protective seal has been broken after delivery.
The sale of sound or video recordings, sound and video recordings, or computer software sold in protective packaging, if the original packaging has been opened.
The sale of periodicals, except for sales based on a subscription agreement, and the sale of books not delivered in protective packaging.
The provision of digital content if it has not been delivered on a tangible medium and has been delivered with your prior express consent before the withdrawal period expires, and we have informed you that you do not have the right to withdraw from the Contract.
The deadline for withdrawal under Article 8.2 of the Terms is considered to be met if you send us a notice of withdrawal during this period.

In the event of withdrawal from the Contract, you will receive the price within 14 days from the effective date of withdrawal to the account from which it was debited, or to the account specified in the withdrawal from the Contract. However, the amount will not be refunded until the Goods are returned to us. Please return the Goods to us in a clean condition, ideally including the original packaging.

In the case of withdrawal from the Contract under Article 2 of the Terms, you are required to send back, deliver, or hand over the Goods to us or our authorized representative for the receipt of the Goods within 14 days from the withdrawal. You bear the cost of returning the Goods to us, except if we agree to pick up the Goods in person or through our authorized representative. The deadline is considered met if the Goods are sent for transport no later than the last day of the deadline. On the other hand, you have the right to have us refund the delivery cost to you, but only in the amount corresponding to the cheapest method of delivery that we offered for the delivery of the Goods.
You are responsible for any damage that occurs when the Goods are handled other than necessary for its nature and properties. In such a case, we will invoice you for the damage after the Goods have been returned to us, and the payment is due within 14 days.

We are entitled to withdraw from the Contract in case of exhaustion of stock, unavailability of the Goods, if the manufacturer, importer, or supplier of the Goods agreed in the Contract has interrupted production or made significant changes that prevented the fulfillment of our obligations under the Contract, or for reasons of force majeure. We are obliged to inform you without undue delay about this fact and to return the Total Price for the Goods you have already paid, within 14 days from the notice of withdrawal from the Contract. We will refund the Total Price for the Goods in the same way that you paid the Total Price, without affecting your right to agree with us on another method of repayment where no additional charges will be charged.
We are also entitled to withdraw from the Contract if you do not take over the Goods within 5 working days from the date when you were obliged to take over the Goods.


As a consumer, you are entitled to submit requests and complaints in writing, through email at: info@axamitart.com.
We will inform you about the assessment of your request or complaint via an email sent to your email address.
The supervisory authority is the Slovak Trade Inspection (STI), the Inspectorate of the STI for the Bratislava Region, with its headquarters at: Bajkalská 21/a, 827 99 Bratislava, Department of Inspection Execution, phone no. 02/58 27 21 72, 02/58 27 21, soi.sk, www.soi.sk/sk/podavanie-podnetov-staznosti-navrhov-a-ziadosti.soi.
You can also electronically submit a request for an inspection if you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request or complaint through a platform available on the website https://www.soi.sk/sk/Podavanie-podnetov-staznosti-navrhov-a-ziadosti/Podajte-podnet.soi.


You have the right to contact us with a request for redress, and you can do so via email sent to: info@axamitart.com if you are not satisfied with how we handled your complaint or if you believe that we have violated your rights. If we respond negatively to your request or do not respond within 30 days of its submission, you have the right to submit a proposal to initiate an alternative dispute resolution procedure to the subject of alternative dispute resolution (hereinafter "Entity") in accordance with Act No. 391/2015 Coll. on alternative dispute resolution of consumer disputes and on the amendment and supplementation of certain acts, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution").

Entities are authorities and authorized legal entities according to § 3 of the Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution, and their list is published on the website of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic. https://www.mhsr.sk/obchod/ochrana-spotrebitela/alternativne-riesenie-spotrebitelskych-sporov-1/zoznam-subjektov-alternativneho-riesenia-spotrebitelskych-sporov-1.

You can submit a proposal in the manner specified in accordance with § 12 of the Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Furthermore, you have the right to initiate out-of-court dispute resolution online through the ODR platform available on the website: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/sk/IP_16_297 or https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home2.show&lng=SK.


If our legal relationship with you includes an international element (for example, if we will deliver goods outside the territory of the Slovak Republic), the relationship will always be governed by the law of the Slovak Republic. However, this agreement does not affect your rights arising from legal regulations if you are a consumer.

We will deliver all written correspondence to you electronically via email. Our email address is provided in our contact information. We will send correspondence to your email address stated in the Contract, in your User Account, or through which you have contacted us.

The Contract can only be amended based on our written agreement. We are, however, entitled to change and supplement these Terms; however, such a change does not affect already concluded Contracts but only Contracts that will be concluded after the effectiveness of this change. We will inform you of the change only if you have created a User Account (so that you have this information if you will be ordering new Goods; the change, however, does not establish the right to terminate the Contract since we do not have a Contract that could be terminated). If you do not notify us of the termination of the regular and repeated delivery of Goods within 14 days from the sending of information about the change, the new terms become part of our Contract and will apply to the next delivery of Goods following the effectiveness of the change. The notice period for termination, if you submit it, is 2 months.

In the event of force majeure or events that cannot be foreseen (natural disaster, pandemic, operational disruptions, disruptions in the supply from sub-suppliers, etc.), we are not responsible for any damage caused as a result of or in connection with force majeure or unforeseeable events. If this situation lasts for more than 10 days, both you and we have the right to withdraw from the Contract.

Annexed to the Terms are sample forms for complaints and withdrawal from the Contract.
The Contract, including the Terms, is archived electronically by us, but is not accessible to you. However, you will always receive these Terms and Order confirmations with a summary of the Order via email, so you will always have access to the Contract without our cooperation. We recommend saving the Order confirmation and the Terms.
Our activities are not subject to any codes of conduct according to § 3 para. 1 letter n) of the Act on Consumer Protection in Distance Selling.

These Terms become effective on July 1, 2022.


Attachment No. 1 - Complaint Form

Recipient: JIM 78, Ltd., Košická 58, 821 08 Bratislava

Submission of Complaint

Title, First Name, and Last Name:

Residential Address:

Email Address:

Order Number and Invoice Number:

Order Date:

Date of Receiving the Goods:

Product Being Claimed (Name and Code):

Description and Extent of Product Defects:

As a customer, I request that my complaint be processed in the following manner:

I wish to have the refund transferred to my bank account (IBAN)/other method:




Attachment No. 2 - Withdrawal from the Contract Form

Recipient: JIM 78, Ltd., Košická 58, 821 08 Bratislava

I hereby declare, in accordance with Act No. 102/2014 Coll. on consumer protection in the sale of goods or the provision of services under a contract concluded at a distance or outside the seller's premises and on the amendment and supplementation of certain laws, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Consumer Protection Act for Distance Selling"), that I am withdrawing from the Contract:

Title, First Name, and Last Name:


Email Address:

Order Number and Invoice Number:

Order Date:

Date of Receiving the Goods:

Product I am returning (Name and Code):

Reason for returning the product:

Method for receiving the refund:

I wish to have the refund transferred to my bank account (IBAN)/other method:

Consumer Notice: Pursuant to § 10 para. 4 of the Consumer Protection Act for Distance Selling, the seller is entitled to request the consumer to reimburse the reduction in the value of the goods resulting from such handling of the goods that goes beyond the handling necessary to ascertain the characteristics and functionality of the goods.

